Destine - Spiders

Destines latest music video, if I may say so, I think it's AWESOME.

E-mail interview with Hubrecht.

Now that Destine is coming to Sweden I felt it was time to let you all know some more about the band. So I asked Hubrecht (guitarist of Destine) to answer some questions for you all! Enjoy the reading and for all of you going to Pier Pressure don't forget to go and say hi!

Hubrecht and Tom @ Willemeen Arnhem.


1. First of all, describe Destine in 5 words.

Motivated, fun, thankful, party, energetic

2. Briefly tell what a "normal" day at work looks like.
We get up at 12 or so, take a shower and have breakfast. We load in the van and meet up with our crew consisting of our tourmanager, sound engineer, light engineer/merch guy and monitor engineer. They’re all really good friends of ours so that makes being on the road a lot more fun. After load in we hop in the van and during the trip some people sleep a little extra, some people try to get over their hangovers, some people watch movies or discuss some things about the rest of the day. We arrive at the venue around 3PM most of the time. We load out the gear and set up our backline in the venue, and after that we do soundcheck. Then the other bands get in, and we have dinner. I love being on tour with other cool bands, ‘cause there’s plenty of time during the day to hang out and catch up. Then some preparations for the show like warming up our voices. I always try to watch some parts of the set from the other bands before we’re on. Then we do our thing on stage and afterwards we always try to hang out with everybody at our merch stand. While we do so our crew breaks down backline and loads in the van. And when the venue doors are closed and everything is done the real afterparty begins…!


3. How come you decided to come to Sweden and play?
We love playing as many different countries through the entire world as possible. You get to meet new people and see lots of new and beautiful places. We’ve never been to Sweden before so we’re excited about going there!


4. Destine quickly went from being unknown to being well-known in NL, what's the biggest difference from the beginning to now?
The biggest difference is the amount of people who shows up at our shows and that everybody knows and sings along to all of our songs now. Makes being on stage even more fun!


5. Which band do you look forward to the most to play with at Pier Pressure?
A couple of weeks I found out about a Swedish band called Her Bright Skies, and I think they’re awesome! And of course I really like Paramore, who doesn’t! Really good live band too.


6. Destine chose to have the same producer to the new single as to the CD 'Lightspeed'. How come?
We were so happy with how our album turned out that we really wanted to work with James Paul Wisner again. Luckily he was really excited about working with us again too, so everything went really smooth!


7. Has anyone in the band been to Sweden before and can you say something in swedish?
Our singer Robin L visted Sweden a couple of years before and he really loved your country. I only know the word Knackebröd because they sell that here in the Netherlands too! Oh, and we had a Swedish band called You Ate My Dog with us on tour a couple of months ago and they told us that the nickname for our light engineer in Swedish is: ‘bays brygga’. I probably misspelled it though!

8. Who in the band ;

Writes most songs?
Robin L comes up with most ideas for the songs. He writes lyrics, melody and chords and records a basic demo. We take that into the studio or rehearsal room and everybody fills in their parts.

- Works hardest when it comes to work not involving being on stage?
Laurens, Robin L and me do a lot of management stuff for the band. We started out doing all management ourselves, but now our schedules are a bit too hectic to doo everything, so we now have an extra external manager who helps us out too.
- Gets most sweaty on stage?
Our drummer Robin F! One time it was so hot on stage he could really sqeeze gallons of sweat out of his shirt. Haha, imagine how the smell in our dressing room!


9. Of all Destine songs which one are you most proud of?

I think ‘In The End’ is a really special song. We spent lots of time on fine tuning every single detail and adding lots and lots of special things. If you listen close you can even hear marching drums and trumpets.


10. Anything you wanna say to the swedish fans before coming here?

Check out our songs on YouTube or our Myspace ( and we hope to see you at the Pier Pressure Festival. We’ll be playing at 16:30 in the Close Up Tent.

Sweden 4 dutch bands.

The bands Destine, Makebelieve and Only Seven Left might not ring a bell, yet. 
This blog is for promotion of the three dutch bands in Sweden, but will be an all english blog for every fan out there.
What we will post here is things that is hard to fit into the fangroups on facebook. 
For example things like interviews, musicvideos, random facts and necessary twitter comments might be added here. Hopefully more people will get in to their lovely music and see that dutch is héééérlijk!
Please check out the websites below for more information!
Swedish fangroup @ facebook:
Swedish Destine twitter :
Official website:
Official Myspace:
Official twitter:
Only Seven Left:
Swedish fangroup @ facebook:
Official website:
Official Myspace:
Official twitter:
Official fansite:

Swedish fangroup @facebook:!/group.php?gid=112493645437413&ref=ts
Official Website:
Official Myspace:
Official twitter:

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